The first data from JWST

In Decemeber 2021, ahead of the historic launch of the James Webb Space Telescope, I sat down with my colleague Dr. Becky to chat about why JWST is going to be so revolutionary for my science, and why I’m so excited to get my hands on the data.


Galaxies pump out contaminated exhausts

In August 2021, the release of my paper reporting the first direct-method measurement of chemically enriched outflows in an edge-on galaxy was accompanied by a press release entitled Galaxies pump out contaminated exhausts. This release was picked up by a number of outlets, resulting in many news articles being published.


Doppler Redshift with Slinkies

As part of the ASTRO 3D “Astro in the Home” YouTube series, I use slinkies to demonstrate how astronomers can use the colours of light to understand the motions of stars and galaxies in the cosmos.